

I don’t feel like working these days
I still have pending jobs
But then I don’t have the drive to finish them
And I don’t know why

My attention was called
But it seems like it doesn’t bother me at all
All I know is I’m tired
Can someboby save my soul?

Right now I can say
Before I was very optimistic in every aspect
But now I got discouraged easily

I was thinking of a career change
If I pursue my American dream
Will I be a success?
Will it lead me to contentment?

Oh God, I know I’ve been a hard headed spoiled brat
Still I’m here drawing near you
I still want to be saved and loved by you
I believe that without you in my life


Business and Photography: Branding

Business and Photography: Branding.

Dealing with Rejections


            Being a Sales professional is not easy.  You have to know everything about your product and most importantly you have to believe in the product that you sell. We can also consider that this job needs a lot of mind reading so that whatever reaction that  a client do, you as the sales representative will have an idea on how to deal every situation you may encounter.                     

“Rejections are just part of the game” quoted by Miss Carmelina C. Suarez. She told me that if you’re still a newbie and you’re rejected by your prospects, you will be disappointed for sure. On the contrary, as time passes by, you will not be affected by these anymore. She said that when a prospect says no, sales begin. At this point you will be encouraged or challenge by his rejection; you must do what you can to change the situation. Another point that she emphasized was the “Yes-but” technique. This technique means that you should always give a positive interaction to your prospect, so that she can feel that you are empathizing to him. Example in a conversation, the client said “No, I won’t buy that it’s too expensive”, the sales person would answer “Yes Sir, this is expensive but this will last for a long time”.                         

            This experience gave me some ideas that I can use if I will be in this kind of work someday. It has more than what I learn in the classroom, it is different from what I imagine because the truth is when you’re in the field and you are already meeting different kinds of people you should be prepared of all the possibilities that may happen to you – always stand still. Don’t be afraid of falling, it’s just all about learning.


Rumor Has It


[ Life As We Know It ]

268592_458665257526748_187796772_ni do not own this photos. credits to the owner of this pic. shared from

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Levels of worship

There are two levels of worship, first is the ordinary which pertains to the worldly activities wherein people believe in god in a shallow manner. They will just consider on the earthly demonstrations of life or the worse they will believe in many gods hoping that they can get more blessings than those who only believe in one god. This practice might lead them to becoming a polytheist. The second level of worship is hierophany, meaning those we thought that belongs to the earth, is not really in the earth. Because of this paradox, people will be captivated and mystified by the real identity of the Other. Then this will be the reason why they will stick on the belief of having one God.

According to Mercia Eliade, hierophanies are symbolic manifestation of the sacred reality. This can be a place, space, object or person which was sanctified by the religious men. People tend to believe in a god because they have this feeling that they’re not the only ones living in this world, that there is this Other who’s watching over them in their everyday living. There is this something made the primitive people believed in hierophanies back then. The mysterious image of the Other made them believe on this hierophanies. One the other hand, people cannot easily articulate who is that they call Sacred because if they do that philosophizing will come into it end. That is why in subjects like Philosophy of Religion, giving a specific identity of the sacred should not be done because what’s the point of continuing when we already know who is the Other.

As what was said above hierophanies were sanctified meaning it became into something superior to the ordinary. The thing that belongs to the profane world remains as it is but by the time that it will be considered as a hierophany meaning it was sanctified; it will now turn into something else. This will now become a manifestation of the sacred. This process is called transubstantiation. People worship the thing because it is a hierophany not just an ordinary profane object. The object belongs to the world but it is not in the world.
The best example would be the statue of the saints in the Catholic faith wherein there were many devoted believers. On its properties, elements and physical aspect, it’s just an ordinary piece of wood just like any other wood, carved and turned into a life-sized statue. But then by the time that it will be sanctified there will be a change on how the way people will feel about that piece of wood. This is because the sacred is now present in the said statue.



This is what I’m afraid of.  hahahahahaha

Mr. Pressure: A matter of mind setting

Pressure. Pressure. Pressure.

Do we really need this? Isn’t it nice if we can just stay calm and sit at the side and wait of what’s going to happen?

That uncomfortable feeling which we don’t understand can really cause turmoil if we don’t have enough strength to combat. As a student we experience different kinds of pressures. Pressure can be in school, in the family and of course among our peers. In my own experience, I felt great pressure in school. I don’t know why!  I thought of the things that might happen in the future and jog around the buildings in the campus to fix all the papers, materials and everything that needs to be accomplished ASAP. For a time, everything that I should be done is due ASAP and a must. I felt like I still have lots of things to do and even there’s none I still thought of those things. In some point quitting was an option because even my body deteriorated. Mistakes and back jobs were already there. I got delayed in passing the requirements and I don’t have the drive to continue. I was frustrated because these were not in my game plan. Then one day I told myself to have a break, for me to breathe and rest. I dropped everything on my table, packed my bags and went home ( I was living in a dormitory since I started my college life in XU ). As they say, “there’s no place like home”, I had some “Me moments” there. I assessed myself and check whether to continue or to stop what I stared. I had time to have a conversation the Him and released all the heavy loads I carried for months. Until I realized that this is my decision so I have to finish because only cowards can dare to quit and I’m not one of them.hahaha. This is just one example of my experiences that God really answered my prayers. It may not be the one that I wanted to happen but still it turned out into a great learning.

Pressure? It’s important and we need this. It is Important because life can be so boring and garish if there is no pressure that will add flavors to our lives. We need this for us to GROW and become a strong individual in the future.  Since then, I don’t want to be called as a Happy-go-lucky person because for me it’s like you don’t know what you want and where to go. Today, I want to be firm in my plans in life and be on track as possible. And if there are fortuitous events that will happen, with His help, I will be still for He is God.

Indoor outdoor

Brilliant! I’m gonna make one……….. SOMEDAY


Very clever!! When standing in the hallway in this amazing house it looks like the pool is right there floating in the hall way and surrounding the house on the outside……imagine being able to jump in from your staircase inside and then swim around your house looking in! Yes it is only imagination…….. but it would be cool. The huge windows and doors give the sun a chance to light up the place and cheating the eye of having no boundaries……….indoor <>outdoor does not matter in this case.

Check out some more work of this very smart architect Steve Domoney Architecture

Architects: Steve Domoney Architecture

Photographs: Derek Swalwell


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chicken adobo

Take a break fella.



finally made a traditional filipino dish for dinner tonight: chicken adobo. my mother would be very proud. this is a dish i’ve been eating since the beginning of time, and it’s one of my absolute favourites.

ingredients: chicken (be sure to include some drumsticks in there), suka (cane vinegar), soy sauce, minced garlic cloves, bay leaves, black peppercorns, water, and rice.

i marinated the chicken in the vinegar, soy sauce, bay leaves, garlic, and peppercorn for an hour. then i put everything on the stove (i added a little bit of water), brought the pot to a boil, turned the heat down once it started to boil for a while, and left it there until the chicken was cooked (i turned the chicken pieces around a few times so the flavour of the sauce would absorb into the meat). in the pot next to it, i made some rice…

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Bago Kumain

People change!

[ Life As We Know It ]

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