Archive for November, 2012



This is what I’m afraid of.  hahahahahaha

Mr. Pressure: A matter of mind setting

Pressure. Pressure. Pressure.

Do we really need this? Isn’t it nice if we can just stay calm and sit at the side and wait of what’s going to happen?

That uncomfortable feeling which we don’t understand can really cause turmoil if we don’t have enough strength to combat. As a student we experience different kinds of pressures. Pressure can be in school, in the family and of course among our peers. In my own experience, I felt great pressure in school. I don’t know why!  I thought of the things that might happen in the future and jog around the buildings in the campus to fix all the papers, materials and everything that needs to be accomplished ASAP. For a time, everything that I should be done is due ASAP and a must. I felt like I still have lots of things to do and even there’s none I still thought of those things. In some point quitting was an option because even my body deteriorated. Mistakes and back jobs were already there. I got delayed in passing the requirements and I don’t have the drive to continue. I was frustrated because these were not in my game plan. Then one day I told myself to have a break, for me to breathe and rest. I dropped everything on my table, packed my bags and went home ( I was living in a dormitory since I started my college life in XU ). As they say, “there’s no place like home”, I had some “Me moments” there. I assessed myself and check whether to continue or to stop what I stared. I had time to have a conversation the Him and released all the heavy loads I carried for months. Until I realized that this is my decision so I have to finish because only cowards can dare to quit and I’m not one of them.hahaha. This is just one example of my experiences that God really answered my prayers. It may not be the one that I wanted to happen but still it turned out into a great learning.

Pressure? It’s important and we need this. It is Important because life can be so boring and garish if there is no pressure that will add flavors to our lives. We need this for us to GROW and become a strong individual in the future.  Since then, I don’t want to be called as a Happy-go-lucky person because for me it’s like you don’t know what you want and where to go. Today, I want to be firm in my plans in life and be on track as possible. And if there are fortuitous events that will happen, with His help, I will be still for He is God.

Indoor outdoor

Brilliant! I’m gonna make one……….. SOMEDAY


Very clever!! When standing in the hallway in this amazing house it looks like the pool is right there floating in the hall way and surrounding the house on the outside……imagine being able to jump in from your staircase inside and then swim around your house looking in! Yes it is only imagination…….. but it would be cool. The huge windows and doors give the sun a chance to light up the place and cheating the eye of having no boundaries……….indoor <>outdoor does not matter in this case.

Check out some more work of this very smart architect Steve Domoney Architecture

Architects: Steve Domoney Architecture

Photographs: Derek Swalwell


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