Dealing with Rejections


            Being a Sales professional is not easy.  You have to know everything about your product and most importantly you have to believe in the product that you sell. We can also consider that this job needs a lot of mind reading so that whatever reaction that  a client do, you as the sales representative will have an idea on how to deal every situation you may encounter.                     

“Rejections are just part of the game” quoted by Miss Carmelina C. Suarez. She told me that if you’re still a newbie and you’re rejected by your prospects, you will be disappointed for sure. On the contrary, as time passes by, you will not be affected by these anymore. She said that when a prospect says no, sales begin. At this point you will be encouraged or challenge by his rejection; you must do what you can to change the situation. Another point that she emphasized was the “Yes-but” technique. This technique means that you should always give a positive interaction to your prospect, so that she can feel that you are empathizing to him. Example in a conversation, the client said “No, I won’t buy that it’s too expensive”, the sales person would answer “Yes Sir, this is expensive but this will last for a long time”.                         

            This experience gave me some ideas that I can use if I will be in this kind of work someday. It has more than what I learn in the classroom, it is different from what I imagine because the truth is when you’re in the field and you are already meeting different kinds of people you should be prepared of all the possibilities that may happen to you – always stand still. Don’t be afraid of falling, it’s just all about learning.


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